Sunday, May 3, 2009

Business Essential Element: IQ, EQ, and SQ

To be succeed in business, IQ and EQ are definitely an essential element. IQ contained knowledge, problem-solving skill, and technical skill whereas EQ talked about emotion, self-control, mentality, and character. Generally speaking, IQ is much easier to be seen by others rather than EQ. However, high quality people with great IQ are not necessary to be succeed or maximized their potential in business area. Business is about making a good relation with others.

EQ can be seen mostly in difficult situation, that's why people with higher EQ have a higher chances to be success. EQ are talking about how a person can understand himself and others. He is able to understand and manage his own emotion so that he can manage and motivate others.

In his book, New Wave Marketing, Hermawan Kartajaya explained that the most essential element to be succeed is SQ (Spiritual Quality). It's not only talking about religion; it's talking about values of life. SQ is talking about deep meaning of life, purpose of life, and highest motivation of human being.

As a highest creation, human have an ability to change his situation, add value to his community, and everlasting creativity to make this world a better living. When IQ is talking about "What I think" and EQ is talking about "What I feel", SQ is talking about "What I am." In this unpredictable situation, only those with great SQ are able to survive and conquer his field!

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